Serres de Sauvenière
Design of a new webshop for a greenhouse
Website creation
A local greenhouse wanted to have a website which was more up-to-date and user-friendly.
Information architect
Functional analyst
UX designer
Role on the project
Tools used
Understand the requirements
Structure the information
Create wireframes
Domain management
Key activities
🍭 The premise
A local greenhouse was complaining that their website was too old-fashioned. The website was not responsive, not up-to-date with current standard practices.
🙏 The request
The client requested to have a website which was more up-to-date and user-friendly.
🚧 The method
After a few introduction meetings with the client, to understand the requirements, I started working on a paper prototype of the website. After having tested it with some key users, I created the design and the information structure of the website. I also helped out with the content of the website, by preparing load files to ease the work of the client. Finally, I also had to play around Shopify's code to tweak the functionality to what was needed.
😃 The outcome
The client was very content with the webshop, and receives quite a lot of orders per month.